It’s a modern day mystery…


Curiouser and curiouser! A dad who collected his daughter from crèche with her hair cut was lambasted by his wife when they arrived home for going near her hair without mum's permission. The kicker? The dad didn’t cut her hair and neither did the staff at the daycare facility!


“Picked 15mo daughter up today after very long day at work, didn't notice anything (I'm a stereotypical male and don't notice hair stuff) until I sent a video to the other half,” the bewildered dad wrote on Reddit.


“She went ballistic at me thinking I’d cut it, I went ballistic at her (after finding out what the hell she was going ballistic about) thinking she must have cut it and was messing with me. After we’d both calmed down we established that neither of us had cut it, but it has clearly been cut (see photos below). There was no mention of anything at all like this when I picked her up. What would you do? I’m quite astonishingly angry.”



And after contacting the crèche, the staff were just as perplexed.


“Nursery can find no explanation,” the upset dad wrote in an update on the post. “They do not have access to scissors in her room (which is still a baby room rather than a toddler room). No staff have admitted to cutting her hair. Nursery admin ‘can only apologise’.”


Sadly, the parents have now lost faith in crèche and are looking around for other nurseries for their daughter.


“Sigh,” said the dad in the post. “I really wish we'd had a decent explanation, but we don't, and I can't trust them anymore.


SHARE if you're intrigued!


