Head lice are not just for kids in primary school, they can also spread around preschools. We all know the sinking feeling we get when you realise your little one has been scratching their head more than normal and you have to check or the dreaded lice..


Thankfully though there are plenty of things you can do to get rid them, without having to deal with your little one’s complains.


1. Make sure it is lice

Before you head to the chemist, do a quick check of your little one’s hair to confirm the inevitable. Look for tiny black lice or their white eggs known as nits, especially around the back of the neck and behind the ears where they are normally found.


2. What to do if you find them?

  • Get a comb with tooth spacing no bigger than 0.3mm wide in order to trap small lice.
  • Detangle your little ones’ hair with a normal brush before working the comb through. You can do this when the hair is wet or dry, although wet hair is easier.
  • If working with wet hair use plenty of conditioner leaving some in to help make it easier to remove the lice.
  • Work section by section so you don’t miss any spots – you need to get them all out.
  • After each stroke check the comb for any evidence of lice. Rinse the conditioner, dry the hair and then check for signs of lice again.


3. Are there any natural methods?

Tea tree oil has been found to be effective in the treatment of head lice so use an oil or even a shampoo with the oil.

4.  How to stop it happening in the first place?

It’s hard to stop an invasion but by regularly checking your little one’s hair you’ll be able to catch it quickly.


We've all heard about the "superbug lice" taking over America, so it's best to be prepared! 


