Working Smoke Alarms:
- Test them once a week
- Replace batteries when required
- Make a fire escape plan and practice it often
Smoke-Free Home and Car
- It is very important that no one smokes around your baby
- You can reduce the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (Cot Death) by making your home and car smoke-free zones.
Car Seat
You probably have a car seat for your child, but make sure:
- It’s correct for their height and weight
- It’s fitted correctly
- Your child is always securely strapped into their seat
Always guard open fires and heaters with:
- A fireguard
- A sparkguard
- Secure fireguard to wall
- Never place anything on fireguard or sparkguard
Stair Gates:
- Always use stair gates at top and bottom of stairs
- Always ensure they are secured correctly
Socket Guards
- Switch off and plug out electrical equipment when not in use
- Always use socket guard in sockets that are not being used
Window Safety
- Secure all windows with window restrictors that don’t require tools for opening
- Avoid placing furniture near windows
- Do not use blinds or curtains that have cords as they are a serious strangulation risk to children
- If you have already fitted blinds and curtains with cords, make sure they are well out of reach and sight of children
Cupboard Safety Locks
- Use safety locks on cupboards
- Store cleaning products on the top shelf of cupboards
- Keep cleaning products in the original child resistant containers
Short Flexes
- Use short flex for kettle if possible
- Keep all electrical items out of reach of children
- Keep flexes out of reach of children
Medicine Cabinet
- Keep all medicines in their original child resistant containers
- Lock away all medicines in a medicine cabinet or in a locked press
- Return old or unused medicines to your pharmacy
First Aid Kit
- Have a First Aid Kit in your home
- Keep it out of reach and sight of children
- Your kit should contain:
- Scissors
- Bandages
- Plasters
- Absorbent pad
- Tape
- Antiseptic or antiseptic wipes
- Burn gel