Two teens from Atlanta, America have been hailed heroes, after they used a rope to climb 15 feet down a storm drain to rescue a three-year-old boy who had fallen in.
14-year-old, Duntrey Murray was playing basketball with his friend, Ransom McCain, when they heard the cries of the toddler, Jaylin Willis.
Jaylin fell down the uncovered sewer while chasing a ball.
Duntrey and Ransom acted quickly and used a rope to place Murray down the drain to rescue the boy.
Duntrey revealed he waited in the sewer, until the fire department and ambulance arrived.
"I put the baby on my chest and waited till the ambulance and fire department got here, and then they pulled the baby up, then they pulled me up."
Jaylin did have a bump on the  head  and had to receive some stitches. The two teenagers have been called heroes by locals. 

