You asked

How do I celebrate Christmas with your 3 year old?

Your Christmas traditions can be an extension of your family's personal beliefs and favourite pastimes. But of course, at age three, you cannot expect your child to understand these traditions and appreciate them. However, you can still let your child take part in the preparation for your family's holiday traditions and you may try any of these:
Christmas ‘thanksgiving’ – before starting to eat, you may ask each member of the family to share the thing he/she is thankful for. You may also ask your baby about it. Even if he says he is thankful for the Hallowe’en sweets he received, applaud him.
Santa's Little Helper – if it is a tradition to give out the gifts altogether, you may ask your baby to be the one to hand it to the person who should be receiving the gift. He will surely enjoy playing an important role in this special moment.
Christmas Treasure Hunt – you may do a hunting game by hiding real coins to different places of your house for the kids to find. You could also choose to hide chocolates or other sweets instead of coins.

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Even if your baby is only 30 to 36 months old, he can also be as excited as the rest of the people around him when it comes to celebrating Christmas.

