Nesting is a natural instinct that occurs soon enough to your impending due date, and is simply your mind getting the house ready for baby.
It can be an overwhelming feeling, but it is pretty constructive as you are likely to do jobs that you have been putting on the long finger for a long time: cleaning the cupboards, clearing out the shed or finally getting on top of the laundry.
Here are six ways to tell if you are nesting:
To-do lists
Writing lists upon lists of what you need to do before baby is a sign that you are nesting. Your mind will run away as you try to make sure you don’t miss anything.
A burst of energy
If you experience a sudden burst of energy this is a clear sign that your mind thinks it’s time to get ready for baby. Up to this point you may have been feeling tired and irritable, so make the most of your new found energy.
Spring clean
You will find yourself giving your house a thorough clean, pulling out drawers, throwing away things that are broken, polishing, dusting – even cleaning the remote control. Nothing will be missed and everything will be sparkling by the time you are finished cleaning your home.
Don’t worry if you are suddenly overcome by the desire to finish your baby’s nursery – just go with it. Use this nesting time to get things done: clean the curtains, wash the floor, assemble the cot, but make sure you avoid any heavy lifting, stretching or breathing in toxic fumes i.e. paint.
Stock piling
Another sign is stock piling. Food, domestic items, cleaning products, nappies or baby clothes are the most common things you will stock up on. While this is not a bad thing try to avoid bulk-buying fruit and veg that will just go off.
A need to stay at home
Nesting is different for every expectant mother – while for some it comes in the form of cleaning, for others, it might just be a case of wanting to be at home more. 

