Back in June 2015, little Piper Verdusco melted hearts around the world starring in an adorable home video that has amassed a whopping 40 million views online.
It showed the Kentucky tot, then 10-months-old, seeing properly for the first time in her life.
Her parents Andrew and Jessica first realised there was something off when they noticed Piper wasn’t crawling or walking at the age most kids would.
When they ended up at the optometrist, they learned that they were right to suspect something was wrong: Piper was farsighted, and it was affecting her development.
“Imagine you can’t see beyond a couple of feet away and it’s blurred,” dad Andrew told Today. “You are hesitant to move in that direction and less likely to explore if your vision is so poor. You are fearful.”
Once the problem was discovered, it was time for a solution, and the second Piper got her glasses, she was grinning from ear-to-ear.
Now almost two, Piper's thriving, as is her vision.
"As she grows, her vision could improve," Andrew said of his little girl now. "Eventually, she might not even need her glasses."
Naturally, Andrew is keen to remind parents that you don't need a reason to visit the optometrist.
"You can go years without knowing what is wrong," he said, adding that it often leads to worse vision problems down the line.
Just in case you don't remember how adorable Piper's reaction was, here’s the old vid again.