Previously, we talked about the many joys of having boys, but now it’s the girls turn. Here are the many benefits of having our cheeky but loveable little girls in our lives.
Fairy-tale costume
Whatever fairy-tale phase your little girl is currently going through, they’ll insist that they’re a princess and will definitely have to go out in public wearing their fairy-tale dress. Every day. 
Daddy’s little girl
This can be as annoying as it is sweet. Your little girl knows all too well who to go to if she wants to get her own way. But despite all of this, nothing can be more adorable than the bond that exists between a little girl and her father.
Subject of your daughter’s makeovers
Not every little girl is fond of make-up but, of course there are some who are and once they discover it, everyone will have to be subject to their creative makeovers. And we mean everyone.
Favourite colours
While pink is the colour often stereotypically associated with most girls, your little girl can often surprise you with some unusual colour choices of her own. So, prepare yourselves for many colour changes, because purple can be become the new pink and your little girl will often have to change everything as a result of that.
She already has her own style
It could be your influence or perhaps spending time with other girls or even their favourite characters’ style sense but your little girl will already have her own collection of shoes and bags. Even though your little girl may claim to have her own sense of style, it’s probably best you do most of her clothes shopping as who knows what your little one will end up wearing.
She’s sassy
Your little girl will have an attitude. You’re not sure where it came from.  As much as you don’t want her to get away with too much cheek, you do secretly enjoy the individuality she has in her own sassy attitude.

