It’s hard to be around a baby and not kiss and cuddle them – they’re so tiny and cute, for heaven’s sake! But we all need to pay heed to the following warning, from British mum Amy Stinton.


Amy took to Facebook this month to warn people against kissing small babies, after someone passed on the herpes virus to her 14-month-old son, Oliver, via a cold sore.


The concerned mum shared a photo of red, angry blotches on her son’s little body, with the accompanying message reading: “This is what happens to babies when [they have] been in contact with a cold sore.”



“Oliver now has the herpes virus and will have this for life. Think before you kiss a baby next time,” she added.


The virus is extremely harmful to babies, as you can see in Amy’s photo, and can actually prove fatal in some cases.



Thankfully, Oliver is now recovering, but Amy has lamented the fact that he will now ‘always have’ the virus in his body.


She shared her experience in a bid to raise awareness of the dangers of a simple kiss, and her jarring post has gone viral all around the world since.


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