Toddlers can be pretty good at inventing reasons not to go to bed. 


And one toddler's excuses were so creative that his mum decided to keep a diary of his witticisms.


Australian blogger Rachel, who goes by the name Mumma McD on her blog, kept note of all the ways in which her little boy tried to avoid slumber - and they're hilarious!


Here are some of the best reasons Rachel’s toddler is not asleep...


“The trampoline is lonely and wants him to jump on it.”



“He is sad about his teddy that he lost. Six months ago.”



“He realises that his night-time nappy has Dora on it, when he clearly requested Diego (...despite all of the nappies in the whole packet having Dora on them (and us having this conversation every night).”



"He is sad because one day mummy will die.” (Yeah right, kid...)



“He needs just one more sip of water. But from the tap. No, not that tap. The one with the hose in the backyard.”



"His painting is too wet. He needs to go and check on it to make sure it is drying OK by itself."



“There is a crocodile under the bed (thanks Spot). Mummy needs to kill that crocodile now please. Yes, with a hammer.”



"Mummy is too cross for him to sleep."



SHARE if your little one is equally creative come bedtime!


