Your Pregnancy

Your Toddler Month 23

Your little baby is now almost 2 years old! She is amazing you every day with her ability to pick up new words and use speech to communicate and accomplish things. Play is such an important part of her day now and she uses play to fine-tune her developing motor skills. This month also brings with it birthday party plans!

Your Child’s Development

Your child is now 23 months old and is speaking more every day. Did you know that a child this age can learn up to ten new words each and every day? No wonder her vocabulary is growing so fast! There are also other advances in your child’s language skills taking place. You may notice that she can now put together two- to four-word sentences and can sing the words of the familiar songs you’ve been singing with her for some time now. She is probably using pronouns now, saying things like, “mummy do it”, and she repeats what she hears from adult conversations. 
To encourage her language skills, make sure that you continue reading to her as much as possible. Reading introduces new words and sentence structures to your child. Rhyming stories are particularly good for a child this age, as it helps them to associate words that sound alike. 
As your 23 month old continues to develop fine motor skills, you may find that she now wants to dress and undress herself. Just when you get her dressed and ready to go, you might find that she is half undressed again. Don’t be too frustrated with this behaviour. She is learning by doing this. Make it part of her normal play. Provide her with a box of dress-up clothes that she can play with as she likes. Hats, gloves, coats, purses, and even old shoes will allow her to practice using her fine motor skills while she is having fun.
The highlight of this month is planning for your child’s second birthday party! For many parents, it’s very tempting to go all out and have a big party complete with a clown, activities, and lots of guests. However, you have to keep in mind that for a child of this age, it is very easy to get overwhelmed. A large noisy party with too many guests can make her cranky and she may even be afraid of a clown. It’s best to keep the guest list to a minimum. Experts recommend that there only be one child for each year of age. It’s also best to keep party activities simple: a 2 year old would rather free play than have structured activities. Try letting the children blowing bubbles or play dress-up. You’ll also want to keep the party short. A couple of hours is plenty of time for a 2 year old. And, make sure that you have the party at a time that does not interrupt your child’s normal nap schedule. If she does not get her nap, chances are she will not be a very happy birthday girl.



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