You asked

Baths are a battle with my toddler. What can I do?

It may seem strange to you that your child, who once loved splashing in the tub, suddenly kicks and screams to avoid them. However, as she becomes more aware of her surroundings, it’s not uncommon for children to suddenly become afraid of being washed down the drain. While that may seem ridiculous to you, it’s still a very real fear.

The trouble is, trying to force your child to take a bath when they are scared of it will only result in more fear, and more tears. Rather avoid the situation for a while, and let them get over it on their own.

If your child is showing an aversion to taking baths, then it’s better to simply wash him or her instead.
Getting your child involved in other water related activities, or taking baths with him or her can also help them to get over a fear of water – just don’t push the issue, and you should find that it blows over all by itself.

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