Even though we do our best to tell the truth, sometimes those white lies can make an appearance now and again, especially when dealing with our tots.Here are just some of the fibs that we may have told our little ones from time to time:
We’re out of sweets
This may be the truth, or you may have them secretly stashed away in the corner of the house. Either way this lie has come in handy, especially when you’re trying to calm your tot down before naptime.
Delay tactics
“Next time” sounds a lot better than “no”, and usually works with our little one’s short attention span. But it’s important to remember that this tactic won’t work forever, as your little one will soon start to remember the promises you’ve made and more worryingly, hold you to them as well.
It’s lost
Your little one will eventually become to old for that pacifier or bottle. So instead of explaining that it’s simply time to move on from these items, it can be easier sometimes for parents to explain that their favourite bottle or pacifier has mysteriously disappeared.
Avoiding “the talk”
Your toddler will have plenty of questions, and this will of course include “the birds and the bees”. While some parents are not ready to give “the talk” just yet, others choose to get quite creative when it comes to “the birds and the bees”. From the stork to the magical hug that fills their mummy's tummy with a baby, parents can certainly become creative when it comes to "the talk".
From the Easter Bunny, Santa Claus to the tooth fairy (even though the tooth fairy really doesn’t represent a holiday) are usually invented as kind-hearted lies meant to make the holiday celebrations a little more special for our tots.
It’s broken
Similar to "it's lost", many parents have used the “it’s broken" tactic to silence a toy that may have become a little too loud for their liking.
You can’t have it
If all else fails try reverse psychology. Telling our tots that they can’t have something, of course only makes them want it more. 

