The last thing any of us mums want is to see our children in distress. Sadly, no matter how close an eye you keep on them, there will always be potential dangers, particularly from choking. While it is preventable, children, particularly toddlers, are extremely vulnerable and it is important you know how to keep them safe.  


Many of us automatically think of tiny toys or small objects being the biggest risks, but food, particularly anything small, round and hard, can be just as dangerous.


1. What is choking?

Coughing is the body’s natural response when something goes down the trachea that’s not meant to be. But when the object is completely blocking the airways, air can’t flow in or out and your child won’t be able to breathe, talk or make any noise - this is choking.


2. Why is it so dangerous?

When a person is choking air can't flow in and out of their lungs, which causes the brain to be starved of oxygen. This can result in your child becoming unconscious, developing brain damage or even more fatal consequences.



3. What types of food should you be extra careful of:

  • Grapes
  • Sausages
  • Cherry tomatoes
  • Carrots 
  • Marshmallows

However, it is important to understand that any type of food is a potential choking hazard and it is really the shape that matters - which can be chopped up.  


4. Why are these potential risks?

Your child’s oesophagus is really small and large objects can get stuck in there. Children may also struggle to forcefully dislodge an obstruction in their airways as they aren't yet strong enough, particularly if they have other health problems.


5. How can you prevent your child from choking?

  • Cut food lengthways and then into smaller sizes - so that they are half a disc shape
  • Don’t allow them to play or run while eating
  • Look at them when they are eating
  • Never give foods while they are sitting in the back of the car 
  • Remind them to chew their food before swallowing

If your toddler does start choking, make sure you follow these steps here.



