These are so handy, and take no time at all to make!


Keeping our kids entertained is a ‘mum job’ that never ends, ever! Whether it’s to fight against the dreaded boredom, or to keep them out of trouble so we can get some jobs done, we’re constantly on the lookout for new ways to keep them busy.


So we absolutely LOVE the idea of a Busy Box, a box – like a shoebox – filled with an array of things to occupy them, like play dough, stickers, mini games and activity books. In fact, what’s so great about Busy Boxes is anything goes, and because you’re filling them, you know exactly what will work for your child’s age and interests.


Busy Boxes are also a great idea for mums who are occupied with a new baby – when a toddler get fractious and wants attention, they can be brilliant for keeping them entertained.



How to make a Busy Box


1. Get a box, like a shoebox or a cardboard box from IKEA, and to make it seem like more of a ‘treat’ cover it some bright wrapping paper


2. Pop to your local euro store or art supplies shop to find inexpensive bits and bobs to fill it


3. Every few uses, add a few new bits to the box. The kids will be so excited to see what new surprise is inside


4. And that’s pretty much it. See, totally simple!


And if you want some ideas of how to fill you box, check out Babyccino Kid's great blog post here


What’s seldom is wonderful, so we suggest only taking out the box on certain occasions. Its magical power may well be lost if you give it to the kids all the time!


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