There are some great nannies out there but, there are also some that are not so great. Know what to look for so that you can choose the perfect nanny for your child.
Choosing a nanny is a very difficult decision that takes time and effort. Before you start looking, make sure you know how to spot the signs that a nanny may be bad.
Give yourself plenty of time. Start your search at least six months before you need a nanny. This way, you will not feel pressured to choose one simply because you are running out of time.
Talk to other parents. Word of mouth is a great way to find the best nannies. Parents are usually more than happy to tell you their experiences and make recommendations.
Once you have selected a nanny your job is not yet finished. You must be watchful until you know that you have made the right decision.
Take cues from your child. Is your child happy to see the nanny? Or do they exhibit signs of fear or anxiety. If so, you should discuss the situation with the nanny to try to get to the bottom of it. If your child is old enough to communicate, talk to them about what they are feeling. If anything seems out of place, it’s time to find a new nanny.
If your nanny seems secretive about the events of the day, this could be a sign that things are not on the up and up. You need to know where your child is and what they are doing during your time away. A good nanny will keep you informed of activities and achievements.
If you have set limits or given requests to the nanny and they are not followed, you should have a discussion with the nanny. Let them know that you are the parent and you will set the rules. If they cannot follow them, it may be time to move on.
A good nanny is always on time. Tardiness and absences equals an unreliable nanny.
If your child is often dirty or unkempt when you arrive home, this is a sign that the nanny is not taking care of some basic responsibilities.
Most importantly, if your child seems withdrawn or has any signs of physical abuse, take matters into your hands. You may even consider contacting authorities.

