This is why your toddler stands so close to the TV, says an expert


Have you ever watched your child get sucked into the TV, standing so close that their nose is almost touching it?


Most toddlers will be drawn to the television, because of its sound and flickering images, so sitting or standing in front of it is common.


However, is it just a normal thing for them to do or is it a sign of a more serious issue?


Dr. Gina May, expert and optometrist, has all the answers. 


Dr. May specialises in vision therapy and the TV problem is one she gets asked often by worried parents. 



Firstly, she says that it is least likely symptoms of a vision problem, but more likely that, ''Young children often enjoy the sensory stimulation of the colour and sound and are drawn to that rather than the inability to see.''


However there are potential warning signs that parents should be looking for when they are concerned about their child's vision. 


She recommends keeping an eye out for "excessive clumsiness or delays with walking and running, rubbing their eyes when [they're] not tired, tilting or turning their head when trying to look at something, or holding a book excessively close to their eyes."


Many of these signs will be obvious and if in doubt, get it checked out. 



So what can too much screen time do? 


Excessive amounts can lead to eye strain, dry eye, attention and behavioural problems.


Child psychologist Dr. Nicole Beurkens  has been vocal about the mental and physical health problems for developing minds.


She writes about how screen time can manifest into sleep issues, and social disconnection - but as we know, everything in moderation is a-ok. 


Kids will always watch television and that is  completely fine once they are playing and getting up to mischief just like little ones should be.


