Teaching at home should still continue even if your little one has started preschool. By implementing what the teacher is doing in the classroom, and by doing a few other tricks, you can really help your toddler to learn how to write a lot easier.
Embrace their messiness
Don’t expect neat, even legible, writing while they are learning. Embrace their messiness. As they learn to not only put pen to paper but to hold the pencil or crayon in their hand at an angle that enables them to write they can be really messy.
Supply various writing tools
How can you expect your child to write if they have nothing to write with? Invest in a number of various writing tools: crayons, markers, chalk, pencils and pens. This way they will get used to holding and feeling the different textures and sizes in their hands. Plenty of paper is another must – otherwise they’ll just end up writing on everything, their bedroom wall included.
Label everything
Label everything in the house: toy boxes, wardrobes, kitchen cabinets, etc. This way, your youngster will get used to words and how they look. Visualisation is important when learning anything so make them big and encourage your preschooler to trace their finger around the letters. Alphabet fridge magnets are also great for visualisation and touch. 
Start small
Don’t expect them to be able to write their name after a week of trying. Start off small with individual letters and work your way up. It may take a few days, weeks or even months for them to master it, but be patient and give them time. Each child does things at their own pace so don’t become worried if your little one takes a bit longer than their peers.
Don’t force the issue
Don’t force the issue. If they aren’t in the mood to sit down and write, there is no point trying to force them to do it. If it becomes a chore rather than an enjoyable experience, your son or daughter will start to associate negative feelings with it. This in turn may cause them to develop a dislike for writing. 

