Your toddler may seem to be a bundle of uncoordinated energy, but the truth is, all that wild movement is the culmination of a lot of motor development. With a lot more to come.
First, your baby learned how to use their hands, and then to lie on their tummy. She probably followed that with sitting, then crawling, and finally by cruising around the room, hanging onto couches, chairs and other objects. Just because he or she is walking, that doesn’t mean their development has ended, and there’s plenty you can do to help it stay on track.
Younger toddlers will enjoy toys that they can push or pull while they practice walking, while older ones will enjoy throwing or catching a ball. Letting them climb, or encouraging running or jumping are a few more ways you can help her to perfect their motor skills, as can swimming, or kicking a ball.
Make sure your child has access to areas where it’s safe to play, and play with them – that way you can ensure he or she is getting all the practice she needs, and having fun at the same time.