You asked

How can I get my 2-year-old to be more social?

Just as there are some adults who are social, and some who are more withdrawn, there are children that enjoy socialising with others, and those who are more reserved. While it’s okay if your child is not the type to be the life of the party, so to speak, socialising with other children is an essential part of their development.

If your child struggles in social environments where there are lots of children (and many toddlers do) arrange for them to have one on one play dates with one or two other children. If you see them standing to one side at a social gathering, find out whether there are any children in particular that they want to play with. Just don’t try to force your child to engage.

Some children take longer to adjust to social situations than others. If they’re happier on their own, or with small groups for the moment, then that’s fine. You may even find that your child does better in social situations if you are with them. 

The important thing is that your child is comfortable and happy. Over time, her shyness will lessen, and she will enjoy spending time with other children more.

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