You asked

How can I get my child to stop hitting?

Many toddlers go through a phase where they hit, and sometimes even say things like ‘No!’ or ‘Go away.’ While it’s normal for people, children included, to use their bodies to express emotions, including anger, it’s never acceptable for your child to hit you, or anyone else.

If you find that your child is hitting you, your reaction may be to give him a slap or a hiding. That’s the wrong thing to do, as it simply reinforces her perception that violence is okay.
Rather than making the problem worse, by responding to this type of aggression with more aggression, pre-empt it by taking her hands before she can hit you, and telling her no. Tell her that when you hit someone, you hurt them, and it’s never okay to purposefully hurt someone else.

Encourage your child to rather tell you that she is angry, and what is making her angry. Then talk about it, and come to a solution that makes both of you happy.

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