You asked

How can I help prepare my 4 year old for maths?

A typical 4 year old child is usually able to count up to ten or more. Although some children can memorise numbers higher than ten, they probably do not understand how these larger numbers correlate to quantity.

At this age, it’s best to focus on your child’s ability to understand numbers one through ten and to practice using those numbers during everyday activities.

You can encourage your child to think about numbers and it can be fun at the same time. For an example, when you are making your child a snack, ask him if he would like to have the bowl that has 3 crackers in it, or the bowl that has five crackers in it.  This type of question gets your child to comprehend more and less as it equates to numbers.

Here’s another fun way to encourage early math skills:
Use a tape measure, which children love to play with, and make a game out of measuring small things around the house. Measure the length of a pencil and then measure the length of a small toy and get your child to tell you which item is larger or smaller. Playing this game over and over will enforce the concept numbers and quantity.

More questions

Sometime around the age of four, your child will begin to take an interest in his name. This is because he is starting to learn letters and can recognise those letters that belong in his name.
Get your child’s attention immediately by whispering to him - this let’s your child think that something fantastic is about to happen!
Most four year old children are just beginning to understand the concept that letters make words, and words tell a story.
At four years of age, most children are just beginning to understand the concept that letters make words, and words tell a story.
You will find that your child is a very willing little helper at this age. Let him help you with anything that you feel he is capable of doing - all these things will help to teach him responsibility.
A typical 4 year old child is usually able to count up to ten or more
At 4 years of age, a child’s learning method is very visual.
By three years old, your child is more aware of colours, and with a little help, he or she should be able to tell them apart, and name them, soon.
A typical 3 year old can hold up the correct number of fingers when they are asked how old they are.
Even though it’s too early for your three year old to learn how to read, you can help kick start the process with a few easy tips.

