When you really think about it, it’s normal for your toddler to be afraid of some things. After all, their world is full of new experiences. A healthy fear of the unknown is what keeps us all safe, but if you want to help your child overcome specific fears, like dogs, noises or water, there are a few things you can try.
Firstly, you want to accept that her fear is valid. While you may not be scared of the dark, or of the vacuum cleaner, it’s okay that she is. Don’t try to make light of it, and don’t try to convince her that her fear is irrational.
A better strategy is to help her to overcome her fear. If she’s afraid of the vacuum cleaner, suggest that she holds it while you stand next to her. Explain that the vacuum cleaner can’t hurt her, and then show her by turning it on. It may take some time, but eventually, her fear will fade.
Some children also find that a comfort item, like a blanket or teddy, helps them to cope better with fears.
Firstly, you want to accept that her fear is valid. While you may not be scared of the dark, or of the vacuum cleaner, it’s okay that she is. Don’t try to make light of it, and don’t try to convince her that her fear is irrational.
A better strategy is to help her to overcome her fear. If she’s afraid of the vacuum cleaner, suggest that she holds it while you stand next to her. Explain that the vacuum cleaner can’t hurt her, and then show her by turning it on. It may take some time, but eventually, her fear will fade.
Some children also find that a comfort item, like a blanket or teddy, helps them to cope better with fears.