You asked

How should I deal with my 1 year olds neediness?

If your one year old child does not seem to want to play on his or her own, and always wants your attention, you may be worried that they are needy or clingy. That’s not the case however.

At the age of one, your child has not yet learned to play independently. They are physically unable to keep control of toys – even those designed for this age group – on their own.

Children, like all humans, are social animals, and since we all need the company of others, why would your child be any different? Add to that the fact that you’re probably the most important person in your child’s life, and it’s obvious that they will want to be with you most of the time.

Try finding ways to incorporate your child into tasks that you need to do. Let them ‘help’ with daily activities – even if it’s only holding something.

Understanding that your child is not being needy, but that he really does need your company and affection, is the most important thing.

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