You asked

Is it normal for my toddler to be shy?

If you’ve noticed that your toddler seems a little bit shy around other people, you may be wondering whether it’s something you need to worry about.

However, shyness is very common in children who are making the transition from baby into child, and can be attributed to two main causes.

If your child has always been a little shy around strangers, and in new situations, then it’s likely he or she is simply more introverted than other children. This is perfectly normal, and just as some adults are more outgoing, and some more reserved, so are children.

The second cause may be separation anxiety. This usually starts to become apparent when your child first moves from babyhood into the toddler years, and usually peaks at around 18 months.
Whichever is causing your child’s shyness, it’s best to simply let your child deal with it at their own pace. If she’d rather sit quietly by you, than play with a group of other children, let them. If they’re shy around friends and relatives, let them know.

As long as your child is happy, shyness is no cause for concern. It will probably even blow over on its own.

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