Going on holiday is exciting for a child. How can you make it memorable as well? Here are a couple of great tips:

Let your child have a disposable camera. Show them how to use it and explain how the pictures that they take will be printed after the holiday. It will be exciting to see what he decides to take pictures of and so much fun to reminisce about the holiday with your child.

To keep your child from getting bored on road trips, make goodie bags that each have one snack and a small activity like a crayon and an index card. Have your child draw a picture of what he sees out the window.  Children also love maps. They may not know what they are looking at, but they will look as if they do. Draw the trip on the map and point out to your child where you are and sites along the way.

Make sure to plan child activities on your holiday. Consider zoos, museums, and theme parks. If your trip is going to a small town to visit relatives, check the local papers to see if there are children’s activities taking place while you are visiting.

Lastly, give your child a choice. If you are considering going to the zoo or a museum, let them decide. This will make your child feel that they are an important part of planning the holiday.

