It can be tricky as a parent to deal with a clingy child. While you probably love spending time with your child, there are times in any parent’s life when you have to be on your own. Whether it’s concentrating on balancing your check book or working, it’s hard to do when you have a clingy child!
The only way to deal with separation anxiety is to have a routine, and make a clear distinction between time with your child, and mummy time.
If you’re working from home, change into your work clothes, and work in an office or spare room. Once you’ve closed the door, try to ignore your child, even if they call out to you, or knock on the door.
Have whoever is looking after your child distract them with a toy, a game, or some other activity, that will take their mind off your ‘disappearance.’
When you have finished working or concentrating, make sure that you spend quality time with your child. That way, they should realise that while there are times when you need to be alone, you will still spend time with them, and that you still love them.
The only way to deal with separation anxiety is to have a routine, and make a clear distinction between time with your child, and mummy time.
If you’re working from home, change into your work clothes, and work in an office or spare room. Once you’ve closed the door, try to ignore your child, even if they call out to you, or knock on the door.
Have whoever is looking after your child distract them with a toy, a game, or some other activity, that will take their mind off your ‘disappearance.’
When you have finished working or concentrating, make sure that you spend quality time with your child. That way, they should realise that while there are times when you need to be alone, you will still spend time with them, and that you still love them.