You asked

My toddler is very attached to her soother. Should I worry?

Under normal circumstances, using a soother won’t have any adverse affects on your child, and they often use them as transitional items when starting stressful situations like crèche. However, there are a few things you should be concerned about.

One is speech and language development. Because the soother keeps your child’s mouth in an abnormal position, using one can lead to, or exacerbate language problems. If you notice this, then you may want to get rid of it sooner rather than later.

Another is ear infection. Studies have found links between using a soother and ear infection. In fact, children who don’t use soothers are 33 percent less likely to suffer ear infections than those who do.

If your child does use a soother, make sure it’s a smaller, newborn sized one, and that you get rid of it by around 18 months. That way, you can prevent any of the speech, hearing and dental problems associated with using them!

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