For the most part, toddlers are such active little people that becoming overweight is not a concern. However, when your toddler visits the paediatrician, he or she will measure your child’s weight gain on a weight/height chart, and if there’s been a significant jump in your child’s progress, it could be a sign that he or she is gaining weight too fast.
Another easy way to tell if your toddler is gaining weight too fast is to look at his or her clothing. If sleeves and legs are the right length, but are too tight, then your child may be becoming slightly overweight.
Dieticians and nutritionists agree that putting a toddler on a diet is not a good idea. Instead of cutting out calories, you may be cutting out vital nutrients.
A better idea is to make sure that your toddler is active for at least 30 minutes a day. Whether it’s a run in the park, or a dancing session in the living room, make sure your toddler is active!
Another easy way to tell if your toddler is gaining weight too fast is to look at his or her clothing. If sleeves and legs are the right length, but are too tight, then your child may be becoming slightly overweight.
Dieticians and nutritionists agree that putting a toddler on a diet is not a good idea. Instead of cutting out calories, you may be cutting out vital nutrients.
A better idea is to make sure that your toddler is active for at least 30 minutes a day. Whether it’s a run in the park, or a dancing session in the living room, make sure your toddler is active!
Also, look at what your child is eating. If he or she is munching on fatty chips, biscuits, and sweets most of the time, washed down with sugary drinks, then there’s a good chance he or she is getting more calories than a child this age needs. Rather opt for healthy fruits, vegetables, grains and lean protein, and try to make sure your child is eating a balanced diet.