If you’ve noticed that your toddler has started biting other children, or even you, then you have to do something about it.
The best way to deal with this is to explain to them that biting hurts, and that it’s not something they are allowed to do, to anyone.
Even if you are more lenient with your child on other rules, if another child or person is getting hurt by their behaviour, you need to make sure that they understand that this is not acceptable, and that it is a non negotiable rule. Don’t bite your child, to ‘show him how it feels,’ as this only reinforces the idea that this is acceptable.
Rather remove your child from a situation where he or she has bitten another child, and explain, once again that this sort of behaviour is not acceptable. You could even instruct your child to apologise to the child they have hurt. After being removed from play or social activities a few times, your child should realise that if they bite other children, they spoil their own fun!

