You asked

What can I do to prepare my toddler for our new arrival?

Unfortunately, for most parents, the truth of the matter is that most toddlers don’t like the idea of a new baby at all. While you’re excitedly preparing for your new arrival, your toddler is probably very unhappy that you’re going to be adding to the family.

Your child is experiencing jealousy. They’re probably feeling as though you are trying to replace them, and wondering why you could possibly want another child. This is completely normal, and even adults have those kinds of feelings sometimes.

Instead of trying to pretend, and convince yourself that they’re happy about the new baby, you should be assuring them that you still love them, and that the new arrival in your family won’t make you love him or her any less.

If your child is finding it hard to cope, you may want to delay changes to their routine. Allow them to keep their bottle a little longer, and put off toilet training. Whatever you do, don’t make large changes like enrolling him or her in crèche, or moving them to a ‘big girl bed’ around the time your baby arrives – they’re likely to feel like they’ve been traded for the new baby.

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