You asked

When can I expect my child to start doing things for herself?

It can be hard to accept that your once tiny baby is becoming independent. However, learning to do things like brush his or her own teeth, or get a bowl of cereal on his or her own is a big part of growing up, and important for your child’s development. Here are a few milestones in self care that you can expect to see as your child grows up.

By the time your child is a preschooler, he or she should be able to remove clothing quite easily, as long as it’s simple, and doesn’t have too many buttons and zips. Putting clothes on can be a little trickier, and your child may still need help, but if your child’s shoes have Velcro fastenings, they should be easy to take off and put on.

Your child is also learning to master eating by him or her self, and by the time he or she is four years old, should be able to handle a spoon and fork much as an adult does. You may also be able to teach your child how to use a knife, and by this age, learning proper table manners is possible.

Tooth brushing by themselves is a skill most children learn sometime between their third and fourth birthdays, although many will want to try it before then.

When it comes to breakfast, you may find that your three year old is quite capable of pouring his or her own cereal into a bowl, and even adding milk. Keep child friendly containers of your child’s favourite cereals on the counter, and milk on a shelf in the fridge that he or she can reach. There may still be spills, but it will be worth it!

Potty training, as any parent knows, can be a long process. However, most kids will have mastered it by age three (although some take longer.) Your child may still need nappies or training pants at night, and will probably still need to get used to using the toilet instead of the potty, but you’re almost there!

By four, children can start making their own beds, and they’re capable (if not always willing) to pick up their own toys quite a while before that. Your child probably wants to help with many other things too – like watering the garden, or stirring pancake batter. It’s easier – and better for development – for you to let your child help, than it is to make a battle out of it.

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