You asked

When should my baby start learning table manners?

You may have noticed, soon after your baby started eating solid food that one of her favourite games became throwing food on the floor, only to have you pick it up. It is all about learning about the permanence of objects, and that even when they are out of sight, they are not really gone. In fact, your baby probably took great delight in seeing her food reappear after she’d tossed it off the high chair.

However, at some point, you need to start drawing the line, and teaching your child about table manners.

For most children, the best time to start teaching table manners is around two years old. At this age, your baby understands that objects that are thrown need to be picked up, and he or she has the skills necessary to sit still during a meal, and use a spoon or fork with some degree of control.

You do still need to be consistent – it can take some time before your child learns what’s expected of them at the dinner table. There are also things you can do to make it easier for them – such as removing their food (and the temptation to throw or spill it) after they’re finished eating, or using a tip proof bowl.

Make sure you praise their efforts (even if there’s a little mess) when you know he or she has tried hard, and make sure that you, and the rest of your family, set a good example.

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