You asked

Why does my baby put everything in his mouth?

When your baby first starts exploring his new world, he has limited resources available to him. Putting objects in his mouth is one of these.

Placing an object in his mouth allows your baby to explore the taste and texture of objects in a new way, and to your baby, with so many new and interesting things around him, that’s an irresistible urge.

Another common reason that many children put objects such as toys, key rings or anything else into their mouths is that they may be teething. Sometime between the ages of three and seven months, your baby’s first tooth is likely to begin emerging, and it’s then that you may notice that he begins chewing on anything in arms reach in earnest. If the mouthing is accompanied by a lot of drooling, there’s a good chance you should see his first teeth emerging in the not too distant future.

Although chewing and tasting toys and other common items shouldn’t be a problem, you do want to ensure that you keep dangerous items, or expensive electronics away from your child while he goes through this developmental phase,

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