You asked

Are poinsettias or any other Christmas plants poisonous?

There are a few Christmas plants that are poisonous, but poinsettias are not one of them. It has long since been a myth that a poinsettia is poisonous. If enough of the plant is ingested, it can result in cramping, diarrhoea, and vomiting, but it won’t kill you.
There are some Christmas plants that can however, be fatal. The most dangerous one is mistletoe. Mistletoe is very toxic. If ingested, it will cause severe intestinal problems that could be fatal.
If you use mistletoe to decorate with at Christmas, make sure that it is placed high enough that a child or pet cannot reach it and make sure it is very securely attached to the wall or doorway.
Other plants that are used during the holidays to decorate a home are holly and pyracantha. These are both toxic and should be kept away from children and pets.
Even when you are decorating with plants that are not poisonous, you want to make sure that you do not leave them where a small child can get to them. Though not toxic, they can cause problems if ingested and you also must consider that there is soil in the pot that may contain a fertiliser or other chemicals.

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