You asked

My toddler is climbing out of her crib. Is it time for a bed?

Most children will make the move from a crib to a toddler bed around the age of 18 months to 3 years. There is really no set time that this change should occur. Each child is different and it depends on the situation.

If your child is climbing out of the crib at night, this could be dangerous. First, make sure that the crib is at its lowest setting and the crib railing is at the highest setting. If the climbing continues, it is probably a good time to get a toddler bed.

When you decide to make the change from crib to bed, there are things to think about.
If you are beginning to potty train your child, it’s probably wise to make the change to a bed so that they can get to the potty on their own if needed.

You’ll also want to make sure that the new bed has a safety rail that keeps the child from rolling onto the floor.

Consider adding a nightlight to your child’s room. Keep in mind that it should only produce a minimal amount of light or else your child will think that it is time to play.

Use positive reinforcement to get your toddler to accept the change. Tell them that they are a big boy or girl now and big boys and girls have their own special beds. And don’t forget to praise them for sleeping through the night in their own bed.

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