You asked

What developmental milestones should I be noticing in my three year old?

There will definitely be times when your three year old’s new sense of exploration, and physical prowess, will make you very nervous. When she calls from the slide as she slips down – headfirst – your heart may seem to stop. She’s likely to be immensely proud of the achievement though, as well she should be.

By three, your child is mastering all kinds of new physical skills that seemed impossible just a few short months ago. He or she can probably stand on tiptoe quite easily, and may also be able to skip, and even ride a tricycle. Your child probably balances on one food, and can run, jump and do all kinds of other fun things.

The best way to ensure that your child’s physical development and gross motor skills stay on track is to make sure that he or she gets plenty of unstructured play. Join in yourself, either by challenging your child to try new things, or by trying them yourself, and letting your child copy you. This kind of play is fun for everyone, gives you some exercise, and helps to develop your three year olds physical ability.

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Research has proven that when a child watches too much television, their imaginative and cognitive abilities are restricted and can alter their development.
A toddler’s playtime is an important aspect of his development. Through play, a child learns about his world and the people in his world. He also learns how to solve problems and overcome challenges both mental and physical.
Preschooler aged children are mostly very active get enough exercise during their normal daily routine.
Two year old children are very active and will usually get all the exercise they need from their normal daily play.
A three year old toddler will love any gift that allows them to use their imagination.

